Tuesday, September 30, 2008

DIY engine oil change

first of all, i need to stress that this post strictly no photos as my hands were greasy and oily throughtout the DIY session. so can't take any photos.

previously i was using Bardahl Semi-syn 10W-40 after switching from mineral to semi-syn. it was time to change the oil as i read from an article said that the oil first change from mineral to semi-syn must be replace in 2000 to 3000km. it said that it was due to the engine cleansing purposes. so this time, i switch to another brand which the Q8 advanced semi-syn 10W-40 engine oil. this brand is a well known brand and it is slightly pricey than the Bardahl.

ok first, you need to get ready a few basic tools such as 2-tonne jack, oil filter opener, oil container (if you old engine oil bottle, just cut it at one side of the bottle and tada, an oil container), 17mm wrench, new oil filter and lastly and most importantly, the new engine oil itself.

after you gotten all the tools needed, jack up your car and make sure the hand brake is fully lifted, the car steady. it is highly recommended that do this on a flat ground. i did mine on a ramp in mong mong dad's shop. oil cap can be removed now.

then, place the oil container under the oil pan and use the 17mm wrench to unscrew the oil sump nut. drain the oil completely. followed by unscrew the old oil filter with a oil filter opener and replace it with a new one (it is a must to change a new oil filter during each oil-change interval).

then, apply a thin film of grease or engine oil onto the new oil filter rubber gasket. but i skipped this step as mong mong's dad it is unnecessary to do so as there is oil on the place where the oil filter will be fitted. so, it is up to you whether want to perform this step or not. haha

after that, just screw the new oil filter in place until it is tight. this step must be use your hand's strength only. use 2 hands if you think it is not tight enough. then proceed to the screw in the oil sump nut. before this, you need replace the washer with a new one. then, screw in until tight. then, screw in further for 1/4 to 1/2 turn. make sure it is tight. or else, oil leakage might happen. wipe and clean up everything.

ok next, fill in new engine oil approximately 3/4 of it. then remove the dipstick and check the oil level. refill it again until the max line or slightly lower or you think it is adequate. then, place the oil cap and screw in place. before removing the jack or drive down from the ramp, check one last time for any leakage from oil filter and oil sump nut. if nothing happens, then can proceed to the final step.

lastly, fire up the engine and check the dipstick. if it is ok. then tada, you just finish your DIY session. haha

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