Wednesday, January 23, 2008

one hell of a joke~

recently i found a joke on the internet which is about a conversation between a typical chinese old man and a typical malay old man.. here it goes.. (sorry for any inconvenience due to the high level of language is being used in this joke and somehow this joke is kinda related to a car model that our first national car maker produce. hehe..)

apek: itu potong zaka ada bagut ka ?
ali : manyak bagut..bila lu potong haa lu punya barang manyak bersih
apek:?!! err....saya kawan ada cakap,potong zaka aaahh.. manyak ploblem..
ali : apa probrem ?
apek:manyak buang lui..lagi aahh..dia punya performance tatak bagut..
manyak cinang semputloh..
ali : cehh.. apek, lu apa celita.. saya suda lama potong..
tada apa problem.. bini saya manyak puas woo..
apek:lu mini puas sama itu potong zaka ka?
ali : ya la.. bila lu potong aahh.. lagi sedap maen woo..
lu lagi lambat pancut..
apek:???!!! punya 1.3 atau 1.5 ??
ali : ??!! woi apek cakap baik2 sikit ha.. saya punya 6 incila..
apek:??! *** nia ma.. lu jgn maen2 haa.. mana ada potong zaka 6 inci..
ali : cilaka apek ni..nah tengok ( bukak sluar tunjuk pale @#$%*..)
apek: chee sin punya olang..gua tanya baik2 lu tunjuk lu punya lancau..
ali : abis.. lu tarak percaya..saya tunjuk la..
apek : saya tatak tanya sama lu punya lancau..
saya tanya lu pasal itu nasional car.. potong zaka..
molo punya olang..
ali : aiya.. apek.. lain kali lu sebut betul2 la..kasi susa saja..
bukan potong zaka la..PROTON SAGA.. cinabeng btulla..

Well guys the moral of this joke tells us that one should buck up on the language skills due to the misunderstanding might arise from the miscommunication. So please do not mix up PROTON SAGA with POTONG ZAKA.. haha

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